Hey Newgrounds!!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and that you are all recovered! I had a relativly quiet one myself. Though I did get in a bad car crash and have been poorly since the 1st. Oh well. I'd thought I'd let you all no that I made a new tune yesterday called THE RACE so if you get a spare couple of minutes could you check that out please and leave me some tasty reviews and feedback? Pretty please? With a cherry on top? Okay, how about sex? Money perhaps? What ever floats your boat?
So with that done I will now ask that if you actually like my music could you please help by sharing my tracks about, joining my facebook page, subscribing to my youtube channel and tweeting the hell out of me amongst other things? There is nothing quite like word of mouth to help get some exposure and that's all I want. To be able to share my music with as many people as is possible. So please for a couple minutes of your time I would really appreciate any help you can provide. Below are all the places you can find me :)
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pitbullj ones/211423448897075
I wish you all a spiffing new year, lets make it a good one eh?
Peace and Hugs