wot can i say really??????
im an atheist, religion doesn't mean shit to me, it's all bollocks n its what fucks up humanity at the end of the day, this was hard hitting, lets hope as a civilisation we don't fuck things up, to be honest i cant see any light down the tunnel, n it hurts man, we've gotta face this head on, the ones who want peace, not thru violence, not thru bombing the shit out of other nations, thats just fucking wrong, FUCKING WRONG YOU HEAR, all you pro christians, muslims, jews, fucking seikhs, u got it all wrong, religion is the corrupter of power, power is the denominator of the masses, why the fuck don't we all peace the fuck out, we're all people at the end of day, we just want to get along and porgress, theres no need for a fight man, we are all equal.