You now have a certifiable genre of your own mate. Something that has been bandied around me for ages, but you genuinely do have your own intelligable style. A certain vibe, a feeling.
Wow, just wow. I'm struggling here to really give anything of constructive merit. It is THAT good a track. I love that falsetto by the way, thats crazy that be that.
A lot of your tracks generally have a 'latino' vibe to em, not saying that they sound like that, just they have a nice air of familiarity around all the modern soundscapes that you create. This track is no different but pushes it even further, it feels more rounded, more sure of itself, it now has a sense of purpose. A belief that maybe you were lacking say 12 months ago.
The vocals are ace, end of. I love the 'wha, eh, word up????' bit and the 'scat' section.
The musical elements of the track, tho not massively embelished are wondrous, surrounded by support and ambience, licks of guitar and sax. And the Bangra tabla's jeeeeeeeezzzzzzzz. I have no fault whatsoever with this track and i mean no fault. If this was a commercial record, i would buy it. end of.
Take this is me flattering you or take is as i genuinely mean it, i am in awe of this song and how you are coming on in mythical leaps.
and a dl